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Ike Taylor

Ike Taylor – NFL’s Best Cornerback?

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Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes… The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, the Pittsburgh Steelers having the best pass defense in the NFL…

Mass hysteria!

Before I left the Site We Shall Not Name, one of my final posts was something along the lines of “Should the Pittsburgh Steelers let LaMarr Woodley and Ike Taylor walk if it means signing Nnamdi Asomugha?” Reaction was mixed with some people cheating by saying keep Mister Woodley and sign Nnamdi, which was never really an option. Of course, everybody knew the Steelers would do what they always do; keep their own players rather than bring in outside help. It’s the Steeler Way.

And it looks pretty brilliant in hindsight.
Read More »Ike Taylor – NFL’s Best Cornerback?

Two Steelers Say Hello, Two Say Good-Bye

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With the days left at training camp dwindling down, the Pittsburgh Steelers are busy getting their medical house in order. I haven’t been following other teams’ camps but I have to wonder if they’ve been experiencing the number of injuries this team has. Every day somebody is sitting out of practice.  If things continue at this rate during the regular season, they might as well install a revolving door in the trainer’s room.

The biggest news on the injury front involves cornerback [intlink id=”101″ type=”category”]Ike Taylor[/intlink]. Evidently, Friday’s debacle in Washington was more costly than simply robbing our lives of precious minutes we’ll never get back. Face Me Ike broke his left thumb which is sort of ironic for a guy whose hands are made of stone.  He underwent surgery to insert a pin but is expected to be back in time for the season opener.  The other good news is, it’s Ike Taylor.  It’s not like breaking a finger or wearing a cast is going to impede his ability to catch the ball.
Read More »Two Steelers Say Hello, Two Say Good-Bye