The [intlink id=”19″ type=”category”]Pittsburgh Steelers [/intlink]kick off their preseason this evening at 7:30 p.m. We all know preseason football blows but remember a few months ago when the year was in peril? Consider preseason football better than no football at all. Or Arena Football. Although I wouldn’t mind having a Lingerie Football team.
Seriously, whose bright idea was it to open up a beautiful state-of-the-art facility like the Consol Energy Center then make it their first priority to bring Arenaball back to the ‘Burgh? If Green freakin’ Bay has a Lingerie Football team, why don’t we? Get on it, Consol bigwigs. There are some hot Polish chicks down in McKees Rocks that could kick the Pittsburgh Power’s asses up and down the field.
*Ahem* Sorry for the little detour. When you’re a team coming off a soul-crushing Super Bowl defeat, the thing about the preseason is there is precious little suspense. You may hear about so-and-so having a great camp but the bottom line is the coaches pretty much already know who is starting and who is backing them up. However, there are still a few interesting battles to keep an eye on.
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